Monday, October 4, 2010



What a movie? Its a less of a movie and more of a source code overflow. The movie is an overkill of technology and overdose of special effects. Rajni disappoints the audience as there are no special flicks, dialog, mannerisms or style. The entire styling is for the ROBOT which is evidently animated. I am not sure what Shankar was upto but there is clearly a gap between the requirements and the final product delivered. The ending scenes in the movie are utterly senseless and you can see so many people leaving the theater. Good decision!!

So please do not watch the movie even if someone else is sponsoring. Rating: 0.5

They say people age with time and so does the brain. Good luck Rajni!!


Kedar said...

Yo mate a 0.5 for Rajani Saar's movie! You must be kidding! Yenna rasacala! Mind it!


Pratibha Jagtap said...

I liked your guts to speak your mind!